Wednesday, March 7, 2012


     Happy Purim!  Today is the Jewish holiday that celebrates the deliverance of Jews that lived in Persia.  Obviously the story is much more involved, but for my proposes here all you red to know is when the story is Purim is read everyone boos, hisses and shakes noise makers when the villain Haman's name is said.  People go all out and dress up for Purim parities.  It's like a Jewish Halloween...sort of.  I didn't do anything for the holiday this year.  I didn't even eat a a hamentaschen--a triangular pastry filled with jam, it's supposed to represent the triangular hat Haman wore.
     When my mom was president of our temple's sisterhood when we were young it also meant she was in charge of the Purim carnival.  It was possibly one of the best events of the year.  The best part was how mom kept all of the carnival prizes in our house!  My sister and I found where she'd hid them and jackpot; we started opening all the toys and prizes to play with them.  That part didn't try out so well.  I may have lost some allowance money.  But the carnival was a blast, mom had even rented a cotton candy machine and a tank of helium to blow up balloons.  We were in heaven.

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