Monday, January 16, 2012


     I'll admit I didn't do anything for MLK Day this year.  Last year I went to hear the lawyer who represented Rosa Parks speak.  I also tried to convince my former employer to recognize the holiday in an all-company email, on our internal home page or in the company newsletter.  My boss blew me off and sent me to HR to discuss with them and then HR ignored me--telling me the company had bigger things to worry about (well turns out it did have bigger problems to worry about, remember it filed bankruptcy last week).  Well that attitude pissed me off and jaded me a bit.  Kind of like when I was the Diversity Chair for the Junior League.  People like to talk about diversity, but not many people want to effect change or be part of the action.
     Anyway, last week I attended a dinner for young lawyers hosted by the Diversity Committee where one of the authors of Same Kind of Different as Me spoke.  It was a great event and made me want to read the book.  So I celebrated MLK Day a bit early this year; but I still plan on watching the I Have a Dream speech tonight.

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